To the Sibe Brünne

The springs of the River Simme, which gives the valley its name, is situated on the Rezliberg above Lenk, right at the foot of a mighty limestone wall. The Simme erupts here into a mass of white foam. A classic hike at the Lenk to a natural beauty! 

From Restaurant Simmenfälle, a wide path leads up to the Barbarabrücke, from where you enjoy a good view to the spraying waters. It is safer to view the thundering waters from the Barbarabrücke bridge. Up on the bridge, you will feel the spray in your face and almost be able to touch the waterfall. The Barbarabrücke bridge or the dam in front of the waterfall is a barrage for redirecting the young Simme. This measure to prevent the valley floor from flooding was taken back in the late 18th century. Barbara was the name of a former female hotel manager who initiated the development of the Simmenfälle and the dam for tourists.

The path leading up to the forest is windy and you will be able to see deep trenches where the Simme has eaten into the rock. On arriving at Rezliberg Alp, you are now at the birth place of the Simme. In summer, up to 2'800 litres flow via the seven springs every second. The «Sibe Brünne», a magical waterfall, is a renowned source of power and a wonderful place to spend some time.