PostBus adventure trail

From Reichenbach, Europe’s steepest PostBus route takes us to the UNESCO World Heritage Site – but also to the exciting PostBus adventure trail in the Kiental valley.

‘Tü-ta-ta’ goes the PostBus horn. And, yes, there’s no denying that Europe’s steepest PostBus route from Reichenbach up to Griesalp sets the bar pretty high. In fact, the power with which the PostBus engines drive these buses up the meandering 28% gradient is simply astonishing.


It is only on the two-hour themed hike back down again that families, walkers and PostBus enthusiasts are able to immerse themselves fully into the wild and romantic world of the Kiental valley. The exciting trail not only features thundering waterfalls, stunning gorges and the wide expanse of Lake Tschingel, but also has 13 ‘stops’ along the way. If we follow the white signposts we are rewarded with lots of interesting information about the legendary yellow PostBuses as well as plenty of fun play areas between the Alp and our destination in the village of Kiental. Halfway along the trail is a BBQ area in the very heart of nature with phenomenal views, ideal for hungry adventurers to take a quick lunch break.