Balmhorn mountain hut is located at the foot of Balmhorn on the northern side of the mountain high above Gasterntal near Kandersteg. It is on a small Alpine plateau surrounded by lush mountain meadows and right at the foot of the unspoiled north face of the Balmhorn.
From Kandersteg into Gasterntal to Waldhaus. Into the valley as far as Gasternholz. Here the route turns off to the right. At this point you will notice a sign to indicate whether the mountain hut is supervised. On the secure and well maintained mountain route through woodland glades and rocky sections climb up to the Alpine bowl-shaped hollow below the northern face of the Balmhorn. Head north across the mountain streams to the mountain hut.
Duration:Kandersteg - Balmhorn mountain hut: 3 1/2 hoursNeubrücke - Balmhorn mountain hut: 2 1/2 hours
Route / Difficulty level:T3
Gastronomy:Hotel Waldhaus
Alternative route:By the Gasterntal bus (timetable) from Kandersteg railway station to Neubrücke Hotel Waldhaus (booking essential).